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Writer's picturealiciablickfeldt2

Life is Changing FAST! COVID-19

I NEVER thought I would see the day when life as we know it would screech to a halt in the face of a global pandemic, but here we are. As I sit inside looking out, everything looks exactly the same. The trees, mountains, sky, but the reality is that it's anything BUT the same.

My husband, Mike, and I have been in self-quarantine for almost 3 weeks. We have not had any symptoms of any illness, but thought it prudent to sequester away from the possibilities. We have only gone out for groceries a few times, staying back from people, wearing gloves and using alcohol to stay sanitized. It is a different world!

Lately, I have felt VERY STRONGLY that I needed to LITERALLY GIVE AWAY MY MUSIC because the message within each song tells powerful stories that will lift your heart and soothe your soul at this time of craziness.

Hopefully, over the next few weeks, I can tell you the stories from each song, but for now, please go to the MUSIC tab and download all of my music for FREE. The actual CDs are selling for cost plus shipping only, and I will gladly autograph each, HOWEVER, I prefer you just take the music for free in digital format so there is ZERO cost to you ... and so that I don't have to "social distance" at the post office.

Please know that I think of you often. Blessings to you and your family, and may God watch over & protect all of you! And if you can, take a minute to brighten someone else's day in a virtual, stay-at-home sort of way.

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